Author(s): Monique Villars; Herman Gerritsen; Karel Heynert; Ben Kle Iss; Kees Koster
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Keywords: Coastal flooding; Flood forecasting; Warning systems; Storm Surge Barrier; Decision support
Abstract: Russia is current ly constructing a large o ffshore storm surge barrier in the Neva Bay to protect the City of St. Petersburg against inundation. With the construction well underway, attention needs to focus on the decision support system for opening and closure of the barr ier, which to date has received litt le attention. With support of the Netherlands Water Partnership, the Dutch consortium of Log icaCMG Nederland and WL | Delft Hydraulics provide a head start in the form of the development of a ‘Demonstrator’ for an operational management system for the barr ier. The approach emphasizes a structured “Chain o f Operation for Barrier Management” where all aspects relevant for the Barrier Management are integrated. The key aspect of the present ‘Demonstrator’ is to show to both technicians and decision makers how highly complex operational management decisions can reliably be taken using real t ime data and forecast conditions, before a full system has been built. It so helps to create awareness among all the relevant Russian parties on the key issues that need to be addressed in actua l barr ier operation. As it can be viewed as a prototype, though with restricted funct ionality, it can assist the development process for a full-scale operational management system o f the St. Petersburg Flood Protection Barrier. The Demonstrator project w ill need to be fo llowed up by the development of the full operational system for the St. Petersburg Flood Protection Barrier, in cooperation with the Russian parties.
Year: 2007