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A Non Linear Model for Equilibrium Bed Topography in Meandering Channels

Author(s): G. Nobile; M. Bolla Pittaluga; G. Seminara

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Keywords: Meandering channels; Analytical model; Equilibrium con (cid: 2) gurations; Bend theory

Abstract: An analytical three dimensional model for (cid: 3) ow and bed topography in alluvial meandering channels is proposed. The non linear model extends the analysis developed by Seminara and Solari (1998) on (cid: 2) nite bed deformations in constant curvature channel with constant width. The former constraint is here relaxed accounting for arbitrary variations of channel curvature. Flow and bed topography are assumed to be slowly varying functions in both longitudinal and lateral directions. The computational effort needed in the present model is several orders of magnitude smaller than the one which would be required in the context of a conventional 3D numerical model. This will allow us to investigate the planimetric evolution of meandering patterns accounting for the so far negleted role of (cid: 3) ow non linearities.


Year: 2007

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