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Effects of Downstream Shapes of Obstructions on the Flow Characteristics in Nature-Like Fishways

Author(s): Chhatkuli Subas; Fujihara Masayuki

Linked Author(s): Masayuki Fujihara

Keywords: Nature-like fishways; Shallow water equations; Godunov method

Abstract: This paper presents the differences in flow characteristics due to the variation in downstream shape of the obstructions in nature-like fishways. A Godunov type numerical method of two dimensional shallow water equations has been employed for the numerical experiments. The variation in downstream shape of obstructions created a significant difference in flow characteristics considering the unsteadiness. Gradual expansion of the openings between the obstructions created higher lower velocity region, in the opening. In the contrary, the lower velocity region in the pools was significantly higher when the openings between the obstructions were uniform. Differences in water depth distribution pattern and energy dissipation factor were also noted when the downstream shape of the obstructions was significantly different.


Year: 2007

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