Author(s): Ick Hwan Ko; Man-Ha Hwang; Woochang Jeong
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Keywords: Rainfall-runo ff forecast ing system; Water resources management; Geum river basin
Abstract: A Rainfall Runo ff Forecasting System (RRFS) is developed as a toolkit for quantitative and qualitat ive analysis o f basinwide rainfall-runoff relat ionship. The RRFS consists of four different modules: 1) a real-time hydro logic input data preparation module, 2) a runoff simulat ion and forecasting module for providing short-term water demand and supply over 10 days based on predicted meteorological data, 3) a runoff prediction module for establishing long-term water supply plan in reservo ir operation, and 4) a graphic visualizat ion module for output display from the simulat ion and prediction results. Calibrat ion and verificat ion were made by applying the system to the Geum river basin which is the third largest river basin in Korea. Since the results of applying the system showed fairly sat isfactory performance in identifying the status of water resources in the basin and establishing the outlook of water supply, it is expected that the RRFS will serve as an efficient toolkit to provide the spat ial and temporal runo ff forecasting with water information in the Geum basin.
Year: 2007