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Sustainable Water Resources Planning for Integrated Watershed Management in an Urban Stream

Author(s): Eun-Sung Chung; Kil Seong Lee; Chin-Chae Yoo; Ki-Seo Kong

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Keywords: Sustainable water resources planning; Composite program; HSPF

Abstract: A systematic, seven-step approach to sustainable water resources planning for the integrated watershed management was proposed and applied to the Anyangcheon watershed in Korea, which experiences streamflow depletion, frequent flood damages, and poor water quality due to rapid urbanization. To understand watershed components and processes, static and dynamic data were collected and synthetic hydrologic cycles generated by HSPF (Hydrologic Simulation Program – Fortran) were simulated (step 1). To identify and quantify problems within the watershed, three indices (following the pressure-state-response model) were employed: Potential Flood Damage (PFD), Potential Streamflow Depletion (PSD), and Potential Water Quality Deterioration (PWQD). Composite programming, a method of multicriteria decision-making, was employed to estimate all indices (step 2). The primary goal of managers is to maintain cleanliness criteria and certain minimum levels of water for in-stream flow. Therefore target water quality and, in-stream flow requirements (including low flow and fish flow) were specifically set (step 3). All possible management alternatives were listed (step 4) and a few specific management options which are technically, economically, and environmentally feasible, were selected (step 5). The ability of each feasible option to achieve the desired water quantity and quality criteria was analyzed and quantified using the HSPF hydrologic model (step 6). Finally, an evaluation index was calculated using each of the proposed alternatives in order to rank the sustainability and priority of alternatives (step 7). This study serves as a guide to construct consistent decision-support systems for integrated watershed management.


Year: 2007

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