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Investigation of Pollutants Dispersion in a Laboratory Model of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer

Author(s): Antonio Cenedese; Valentina Dore; Monica Moroni

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Keywords: Visualizations; Feature Tracking; Dispersion; Temperature Measurements; Internal waves

Abstract: The phenomenon of penetrative convection in a stably stratified fluid has been reproduced in laboratory employing a tank filled with water and subjected to heating from below. To be able to assess the adequacy of existing theories of flow and transport, experimental methods must be able to obtain Lagrangian particle trajectories within the system. Here we report on experiments that rely upon a FT (Feature Tracking) technique. The goal in the experiment is to image a section far away the lateral boundary walls, to lengthen the trajectories through an accurate experimental technique and to improve the statistical accuracy of the method. The mixing layer growth is detected employing thermocouples providing temperature data. The velocity spatial covariance allows the plume horizontal dimension to be determined to the aim of fully describing the spatial extension of the mixing region.


Year: 2007

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