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Analytical Solution for Tidal Propagation in a Leaky Aquifer Extending Under the Sea and Terminated at a Fault

Author(s): Hund-Der Yeh; Mo-Hsuing Chuang

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Keywords: Tidal propagation; Leaky aquifer; Fault 1

Abstract: An analytical solution is derived to investigate the influences of leakage and roof length on the groundwater head of leaky aquifer extending under the sea and terminated at a fault. The leakages from the offshore and inland aquitards are two dominant factors controlling the fluctuation of groundwater level. The dynamic effect of water table fluctuation has considered. This paper focuses on deriving an analytical solution for the problem of no-flow boundary at the fault and the groundwater dynamics in response to the tidal fluctuation in a coastal aquifer system. The new solution is different from the solution of Li and Jiao (2001) in three situations: (1) the hydraulic properties of the offshore and inland aquitards are different, (2) the water table in the unconfined aquifer fluctuates with tide and (3) the outer boundary is under the no-flow condition for the confined aquifer extending under the sea. Based on this solution, the joint effects of various parameters, such as dynamic effect of water table fluctuation and the leakages of the inland and offshore, on the behavior of the groundwater level fluctuations in the inland part of the leaky confined aquifer can be clearly explored. In addition, it can be clearly seen that the influence is very significant if the aquitard and leaky aquifer extend finite distance under the sea and terminated at a fault.


Year: 2007

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