Author(s): Tetsuro Tsujimoto; Takeshi Katakai; Tetsuya Sumi
Linked Author(s): Tetsuya Sumi
Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: River landscape with sandbar consists of several elements; geomorphologic undulations with sorting, vegetation, and micro-scale water areas. Such characteristics of sub-reach scale landscapes, which are expressed by the word “texture”, are formed based on the interaction between flood flow, sediment transport, fluvial process and growth-and-decay of vegetation. They provide habitats for various organisms to support “species diversity”, and the ecosystem formed by these various organisms on the texture plays a role of “ecosystem service” which is represented by the transport and change of biophilic elements. In addition to the surface texture of sandbar, the subsurface flow beneath the sandbar also plays roles of “ecological function” to provide habitats and “ecosystem service”. In other word, the sandbar landscape is significant to be conserved because of its “ecological function” and “ecosystem service”. On the other hand, the texture of sandbar has been degraded as response on human activities. The purpose of our research is to clarify the ecological function and the ecosystem service depending on the sandbar landscape status, and this paper reports a part of it which is obtained by the field study in a sandy river segment with alternative bars in the Kizu river.
Year: 2007