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Evaluation of Small Scale Hydroelectricity Potential in Italy [*]

Author(s): Peviani Maximo; Alterach Julio; Orsola Brasi; Stefano Maran

Linked Author(s): Julio Alterach

Keywords: Small scale hydroelectricity; Mini hydropower; Hydroelectricity potential; Evaluation ofhydroelectric plants; Numerical tools; GIS techniques

Abstract: Due to the increasing attention to safeguard the environment, the role of small hydropower has been enhanced. In fact, characteristics and operation standards of small hydroelectric plants give limited environmental impact and are suitable for multi-purpose systems (drinking water, irrigation, etc) which normally improve the management of water resources. Indeed, the construction of Italian small scale hydro electricity plants have registered an important increase in the last years, near 3% in the case of the mini/micro hydropower plants (power < 1 MW) and 2% for those with power between 1 MW and 10 MW. The present paper describes the results of the evaluation of the hydroelectricity potential in the Italian territory, using numerical techniques coupled with GIS tools, in the analysis of hydrological and physiographic data of each basin, at a national scale. The maximum theoretical hydroelectricity potential in Italy was estimated in about 200 TWh. The higher potentiality corresponds to the Alpine and Northern Apennine basins, due to the particular orographic pattern of the territory, with important water heads and consistent rainfall along the year. Furthermore, the identification of small hydroelectric potential along the river network (basin scale) needs a precise analysis of the water availability, in terms of annual discharge distribution, associated with the respective geodetic fall. The paper presents a numerical tool that permits the evaluation of all possible alternatives concerning sites for small scale hydroelectric plants along the drainage network, taking into account the full costs of the minihydro power and the benefits from selling the generated power in the national market. The methodology is based on a topographic (DEM) analysis of the catchment, together with regional evaluation of available discharges along the river system. Finally, an optimisation is performed to define the most convenient location of a series of small scale hydroelectric plants that maximise energy production in the river reach under consideration.


Year: 2007

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