Author(s): Byung Sik; Kim; Jun Bum; Hong; Hung Soo; Kim; Seok Young; Yoon; Byung Ha; Seoh
Linked Author(s): Byungman Yoon, Kuk-jin KIM
Keywords: Radar; Rainfall; Conditional merging; Rain Gauge; Flood forecasting; VfloTM
Abstract: This paper shows the results of an investigation into flood simulation on the Anseong-chen basin in the southern part of Korea. The spatial and temporal characteristics of rainfall and behavior are analyzed using various approaches to combing radar and rain gauges. (1) using kriging of the rain gauge alone; (2) using radar data along; (3) using mean field bais (MFB) of both radar and rain gauges and (4) using conditional merging technique (CM) of both radar and rain gauges. To evaluate these methods, statistics and hyetograph for rain gauges and radar rainfalls are compared using hourly radar rainfall data from the Imjin-river, Gangwha, rainfall radar site. Then, in order to evaluate the performance of flood estimates using different rainfall estimation methods, Rainfall-runoff simulation is conducted using the physics based distributed hydrologic model, called, VfloTM. Flood runoff hydrograph are use to compare the calculated hydrographs with observed one. Results show that rainfall field estimated by CM methods improved flood estimates, because it optimally combines both the rainfall field that represented actual spatial and temporal characteristics of rainfall.
Year: 2007