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Optimising Flood Defence Strategies and Nature Rehabilitation in the Dutch River Rhine Branches Using a Genetic Algorithm

Author(s): N. Douben; H. Goossens; H. Van Den Boogaard

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Keywords: River Rhine; Flood defence strategies; Nature rehabilitation; Inverse model use; Genetic Algorithm

Abstract: Studies regarding the impact of climate change on extreme floods in the River Rhine suggest to expect higher floods in the future. To cope with these larger floods, a number of flood defence strategies, which are effective only on a longer run can be considered, but on the short run an increase of local conveyance might be the most attractive approach for the Dutch Rhine branches. To increase conveyance, also needed to allow for nature rehabilitation in floodplains, lowering of floodplains is one of the measures that might be considered. To identify optimal combinations of measures in landscaping strategies a decision support system, which contains a one-dimensional hydrodynamic model, is used. Additional studies to optimise strategies have been carried out using a Genetic Algorithm, exploring its potential for inverse use of the simulation model.


Year: 2002

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