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A Flood Forecasting Model for the Beijiang River Below Feilaixia Dam

Author(s): Ping Huang; Jing Yang; Yi-Long Zhong

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Keywords: The Beijinag River; Feilaixia Dam flood forecast; Preissmann scheme; Diversion of floods to the flooded areas; Diversion of floods to the breaching dykes

Abstract: The flood forecast of the Beijiang river below Feilaixia Dam relates to the flood routing (including the reservoir’s flood regulation function), the confluence of tributaries and mainstreams, divertion of floods to the flooded areas and divertion of floods to the breaching dykes. In order to comprehensively reflect these factors and exactly simulate the flood routing, a mathematical model of flood forecast for the Beijiang river below Feilaixia Dam, is erected, which is an open model instead of a single flood forecasting approach. The hydrodynamics of the main stream and tributaries is described by the Saint-Venant equations which are discretized with Preissmann scheme and resolved with double-sweep method. Especially, the connection of flooded areas and the breaching are taken into consideration. The model is naturally fit to the boundary conditions of hydraulic calculation, It is quite simple to deal with the interior conditions and there is no need to build matrixes for solving branch equations. It has the advantages of small computer memory and high computing speed. The calculated results were quite agreeable to the observed data.


Year: 2002

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