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Hydrological Management of the Brazilian Hydroelectric Reservoir as a Tool to Warn and Prevent Floods

Author(s): Ludimila Lima Da Silva; Mauro Silvio Rodrigues; Patricia Nubia Takei; Carlos Alexandre Cernach Silveira; Raquel Scalia Alves Ferreira; Marcos Eduardo Brandao

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Keywords: Hydrological management; Hydrological network; Reservoir

Abstract: In December 26,1996 the Brazilian government established the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency–ANEEL, to regulate the production, transmission, distribution and trade of electric energy services. The power generation in Brazil is essentially hydroelectric, about 80% of the whole energy produced comes from the water. Considering this, the Agency published, in December, 1998, a Resolution in order to establish the conditions for implementation, maintenance and operation of hydrological stations to monitor and manager the operations of the hydroelectric reservoirs. Through this resolution, the Agency requires from the hydroelectric generators companies the installation and operation of water level and rain stations on the reservoir and over its the drainage area. The data from these stations is a input for the management system developed to follow the hydrological behavior and the influence on the operation of the reservoir. At the present time, this system receives information from more that 700 stations distributed in the Brazilian territory, providing information of more than 350 hydroelectric plants. The most part of the data comes from telemetric stations that provides information in real time. This information are collected every hour by the companies and ANEEL gets this information three times a day. This characteristic allows the system to work and analyze the latest information available. The Agency also receives from the companies the tables that correlate the water level with the discharge for each station, and the table that correlates the water level of the reservoirs with the storage volume. Therefore, the availability of all this data will provide important information about the capacity of storage of a reservoir, trying to minimize floods downstream and will be a important tool on the control of the amount of discharge release from the plants. Furthermore, the monitoring of the drainage area allows the system to follow critical events such as flood and drought.


Year: 2002

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