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Experimental Study for Interception Efficiency of Street Drainage Grate Inlet

Author(s): Seieui Yoon; Jongtae Lee; Jae Yook Jung; Joonho Lee

Linked Author(s): Sei-Eui Yoon

Keywords: Hydraulic experiment; Grate inlet; Interception efficiency; Street slope; Drainage

Abstract: The purposes of this study are to suggest the appropriate spaces of street drainage grate inlet (external size: 40ⅹ50cm) and to analyze the characteristics of interception efficiencies based on the four different shapes of grate inlet with same external sizes. Interception efficiencies of grate inlet were more influenced by gutter transverse slopes than by street longitudinal slopes and discharges. The appropriate spaces of street drainage grate inlet in Seoul area were suggested with the factors of street lanes, transverse slopes of gutter, and longitudinal slopes of street. The empirical equation was also suggested to estimate the interception discharges of grate inlet. Among the four shapes of inlets, shape 1 is efficient at gentle longitudinal slopes of street and shape 2 is at steep longitudinal slopes (more than 8 % ).


Year: 2005

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