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Dynamics of Suspended Sediment in a Tidal Lagoon During Flood

Author(s): Yohihisa Akamatsu; Mitsuteru E.; Tadaharu Ishikawa

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Keywords: Tidal lagoon; Suspended sediment; Organic materials; Numerical simulation; Crab

Abstract: In tidal lagoon, fine sediment transports with organic materials support the ecosystem because the organic materials supply is indispensable to aquatic lives such as crab. The characteristics of lagoon such as number of crabs, organic contents and sediment diameter in the surface soil were investigated, even as the dynamics of suspended sediment in a lagoon was studied by a numerical simulation model which is developed so as to capture the move of water edge in the lagoon. The simulation’s result for the water movement during an ordinary discharge agrees reasonably well with that observed, indicated that this model is effective to comprehend the movement of suspended sediment in the lagoon during a flood. As a result of the calculation for the flood, the fine sediment transported from the river to the adjacent coastal area returns to the lagoon and deposits in the inner part of the lagoon.


Year: 2005

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