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Tidal Regime Chang Due to Siwha Tidal Power Plant Operation in the Kyunggi Bay of the Yellow Sea

Author(s): Sok Kuh Kang; Ki-Dai Yum; Kyung Tae Jung; Sin Taek Jeong; Jin Soon Park; Jae-Kwi So; Chan Joo Jang

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The Siwha tidal power plant (TPP) with installed capacity 254MW is being constructed since 2004 in the Siwha region in the Kyunggi Bay of the Yellow Sea, expected to be completed in 5 years. Tidal regime change has been examined with the condition that Siwha TPP is being operated, based upon numerical modeling approach. It is shown that TPP operation has a broad effect on the tidal regime change in the whole Yellow Sea, even though the magnitude of the M2 tidal amplitude change is relatively small. Other hydrodynamic characteristics such as various sea levels in the Siwha TPP basin and in the outer sea are also examined, as well as the discharges from the turbine and sluice gate.


Year: 2005

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