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Numerical Investigation of Hydrodynamic Force on Outlet Gates

Author(s): A. Aghakouchak; M. R. Kavianpour; H. R. Sadeghi

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Keywords: Outlet gates; Finite Element Method; Hydrodynamic force; Turbulent flow; Flow analysis; Physical model

Abstract: With increasing of the height of dams, the flow discharging within the outlet conduits of such structures increases. This will cause the flow velocity to grow on the surface boundary of these structures. In this situation, where the flow velocity and pressure are high, it is necessary to ensure of the safety operation of the control gates. Flow velocity, pressure distribution, cavitation, vibration of structure and hydrodynamic forces are the main aspects in the design of such structures. In order to ensure the hydraulic behavior of these structures, it is necessary to check the behavior of outlet conduits under different gate openings. In this paper, numerical analysis of flow based on three dimensional Navier-Stokes equations for high pressure conduits are studied to determine the hydrodynamic force on outlet gates. The study also consists of the physical model studies of Dasht-e-Abbas outlet tunnel in Iran to check the validity of the model. The comparison of the results shows a reasonable agreement between the physical measurements and the numerical computations.


Year: 2005

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