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Sloshing Analysis in a Tank Using a Depth Averaged Flow Model in Generalized Curvilinear Moving Coordinate System

Author(s): Shinichiro Onda; Takashi Hosoda; Michihide Miura

Linked Author(s): Shinichiro Onda

Keywords: Sloshing characteristics; Depth averaged flow model; Generalized curvilinear moving coordinate system

Abstract: In this study, sloshing characteristics in a rectangular tank on an oscillation table were investigated. The laboratory experiment was firstly conducted under various hydraulic conditions and the sloshing characteristics were examined. To simulate the flow fields of laboratory experiment, the numerical simulation based on depth averaged flow model (shallow water equation) in generalized curvilinear moving coordinate system was applied, in which the pressure distribution was assumed to be hydrostatic. Furthermore, the depth averaged flow model considering the effects of vertical acceleration (Boussinesq equation) was also used. The linear solutions in both cases were derived. The sloshing characteristics obtained from the numerical results and the linear solutions were verified by comparing with the experimental results. Good agreement between the numerical simulation, linear solutions and measurements was observed in the case of small amplitude. But, in case of large amplitude it was observed that the numerical results agree with the experiments. On the other hand, in case of high wave numbers, the linear solution of Boussinesq equation was in close agreement with measurements.


Year: 2005

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