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Oblique Water Waves Impacting on a Thin Porous Wall with Partial-Slipping Boundary Condition

Author(s): H. J. Hsu; And L. H. Huang

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Keywords: Oblique linear water wave; Thin porous wall; Partial-slipping boundary condition; Boundary layer

Abstract: When an incoming water wave is parallel to a porous breakwater, there is a paradoxical phenomenon in earlier studies such as Dalrymple et al. (1991) and Sahoo et al. (2000) that by following potential flow boundary condition of normal flux continuity, the water wave permeates completely without regarding to how large the porosity of the breakwater is. To remedy the paradoxical phenomenon, a new partial-slipping boundary condition for potential flow is proposed based on the reason similar to that in Beavers and Joseph (1967). The results show that as the water wave is parallel to a thin porous wall, the transmitted wave side remains quiescent, i. e. the transmitted wave side does not have wave energy. This reveals that the above mentioned paradoxical phenomenon disappears in the present study. The viscous boundary layer effect is also investigated, which provides proper boundary conditions on the thin porous wall for viscous flow and gives more detailed flow information.


Year: 2005

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