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Horizontal Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (HADCP) for Real-Time Open Channel Flow Measurement: Flow Calculation Model and Field Validation

Author(s): Fajun Wang; Hening Huang

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Keywords: Flow measurement; Open channel flows; ADCP; Flow calculation model

Abstract: A new horizontal acoustic Doppler current profiler (H-ADCP) is introduced recently for real-time open channel flow measurement. The H-ADCP, with its up-to 128 user selectable cells, measures velocity profile at a horizontal line across channel. It also measures water level with an up-looking acoustic beam. Data for velocity profile and water level can be used to calculate open channel flow rates. A flow calculation model with a numerical scheme was developed. The model was based on a power law for velocity distribution. A computer program with a user-interface was written to implement the flow calculation model. The model was validated at two open channels. One was the Westside Main Canal in the Imperial Irrigation District in California, USA. The other was an irrigation canal in Angoori Barrage, India. During a field test, concurrent with the H-ADCP flow measurement, flow rates were independently measured using a down-looking mini ADCP mounted on a small float (a standard moving-boat ADCP flow measurement method). Results indicate that the H-ADCP measured flow rates using the flow calculation model agree well with the moving-float ADCP measured flow rates. The H-ADCP with the flow calculation model provides an effective tool for real-time open channel flow measurement.


Year: 2005

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