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Study on Transverse Velocity Profile and Lateral Sediment Transportation in Curved Channels

Author(s): Erping Wang; Jun Yan; Yaoxian Zhang; Dongpo Sun

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Keywords: Lateral gradient; Secondary current; Mixed length; Turbulent stress; Turbulence diffusion; Silt concentration; Silt transportation

Abstract: In this paper, a steady 2-D transverse velocity profile and lateral sediment transportation in curved channels was studied based on Reynolds Equation. The derived formula for transverse velocity profile has a simple and reasonable structure, and agrees with the observation. In the study on the distribution law of secondary velocity, the structure of Prandtl Turbulent Stress was used in the paper to represent the flow stress in radial direction, and a dimensional analysis and analogue method used for determination of the form of mixed length. Since a relatively reliable longitudinal velocity distribution equation of index type was introduced, not only the secondary velocity equation developed is comparatively reasonable in structure, but also deriving process and form of equations are quite simple, convenient for analytic calculation of secondary flow. The review indicated that the equations derived could well comply with the recorded data. The secondary velocity distribution equations and equations of lateral transportation developed herein are applicable to riverbed evolution analysis and lateral sediment transfer coefficient calculation of curved channels.


Year: 2004

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