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Measuring Techniques for Highly Concentrated Sand-Mud Mixtures

Author(s): P. J. T. Dankers; J. C. Winterwerp; W. G. M. Van Kesteren

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Keywords: Sand-mud mixtures; Hindered settling; Cohesive sediment; Measuring techniques

Abstract: In the past, research on hindered settling mainly focused on sand or mud. In this research an attempt is made to develop a measuring technique to examine the hindered settling of sand-mud mixtures. It was found that a combination of techniques was needed to determine the settling velocities and the concentrations of the sand and mud fraction separately. After reviewing several techniques a combination of a non-intrusive X-ray, an ASTM (acoustic sand transport meter) and a video camera seemed to perform best. The results of the experiments shall at a later stage be used in a numerical simulation in order to test a proposed equation for the hindered settling of sand-mud mixtures.


Year: 2004

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