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Overview of Sediment Transport Evaluation and Monitoring in the Nile Basin

Author(s): El-Sersawy Hossam; M. Samir Farid

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Keywords: Nile Basin; Sediment Load; Monitoring Network; Victoria Lake; Blue Nile; Suspended Sediment Concentration

Abstract: The River Nile is the second longest river in the world. The Nile has (two) main sources, namely, the Equatorial Lakes Plateau, and the Ethiopian Plateau. The Equatorial Lakes Plateau: it contains (three) basins, namely: the basin of lakes Victoria; the basin of Lakes George and Edward and the basin of Lake Albert. The Ethiopian Plateau: it contains (three) basins, namely: the basin of Sobat River; the basin of the Blue Nile and the basin of Atbara River. The sedimentation load problem is very important in the flow regime of the Nile basin tributaries and its morphology. Success of water resources management projects in the Nile basin depends on how much the accuracy in evaluating the expected sediment loads in the floods of the Nile basin. The objectives of this paper are to estimate sediment load at selected locations on basis of available data and proposing a suitable monitoring network to evaluate and control the change in basin sedimentation. Due to the huge area of the Nile basin and its complexity, representative selected research areas and case studies will be considered. The methodology used will depend on the large extent on the availability of data, such as sediment unit hydrographs and sediment rating curves, will be used to estimate the sediment load. The result of the paper shows an initial estimation of the sediment load from different resources within the Nile Basin. Also, an approach for proposed locations to establish monitoring network is presented.


Year: 2004

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