Author(s): Peter Troch; Vasiliki Stratigaki; Peter Devriese; Andreas Kortenhaus; Nicolas Silin; Varjola Nelko; Jeroen De Maeyer; Jaak Monbaliu; Erik Toorman; Pieter Rauwoens; Dieter Vanneste; Tomohiro Suzuki; Toon Verwaest
Linked Author(s): Peter Troch, Toon Verwaest
Keywords: Coastal and Ocean Basin (COB); Wave and current generation techniques; Marine and offshore energy basin; Wave and tidal energy; Wave-current interaction
Abstract: The new Coastal and Ocean Basin (COB) located at the Greenbridge Science Park in Ostend, Belgium is under construction since February 2017. The laboratory will provide a versatile facility that will make a wide range of physical modelling studies possible, including the ability to generate waves in combination with currents and wind at a wide range of model scales. The facility is serving the needs in Flanders, Belgium, in the fields of mainly offshore renewable energy and coastal engineering. The COB will allow users to conduct tests for coastal and offshore engineering research and commercial projects. The basin will have state-of-the-art generating and absorbing wavemakers, a current generation system, and a wind generator. It will be possible to generate waves and currents in the same, opposite and oblique directions. The basin is expected to be operational in 2019. This paper presents an overview of the basin’s capabilities, the ongoing work, and selected results from the design of the COB.
Year: 2018