Author(s): Carolina Vega-Viviescas; David A. Zamora; Erasmo A. Rodriguez
Linked Author(s): Erasmo Alfredo Rodriguez Sandoval
Keywords: Ridity index; Global reanalysis; Magdalena-Cauca macro-basin; Sparsely instrumented areas
Abstract: The Magdalena-Cauca macro-basin (MCMB) in Colombia, by its tropical location, annually experiences the effects of movement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, and it is highly affected by interannual macro-climatic phenomena, such as El Ni~no–Southern Oscillation (ENSO). With the aim of increasing the use of global reanalysis and remote sensing data for supporting water management decisions at the watershed scale and within the framework of the eartH2Observe research project, the aridity index (AI) was calculated with three different data sources. Precipitation products and AI results were compared with their corresponding in-situ national official data. The comparison shows high correlations between the AI derived from observed data and AI obtained from the reanalysis, with Pearson correlation coefficients above0.8 for two of the products investigated. This shows the importance of using global reanalysis data in water availability studies on a regional scale for the MCMB and the potential of this information in others macrobasins in Colombia including the Orinoquia and Amazon regions, where in-situ data is scarce.
Year: 2018