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Scaling Characteristics of Storm-Centered ARF Using Radar Rainfall

Author(s): Eunji Kim; Boosik Kang

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Keywords: Real reduction factor (ARF); Scaling factor; Storm-centered ARF; Radar rainfall

Abstract: In the hydraulic design practices, it is necessary to apply areal reduction factor to convert the point rainfall into the areal rainfall in the reference area. The fixed-area ARFwhich is commonly used, can be considered unrealistic because it is estimated through independent frequency analysis of the point rainfall and the areal rainfall. In this study, storm-centred ARFwas estimated using radar rainfall data to reflect the spatial distribution characteristics of storm events effectively. ARFs representing the duration and the return period was extracted by 95% nonexceedance probability of the Weibull distribution to derive envelope covering all values from various storm events. ARFs has a correlation with not only the reference area but also the duration and the return period. Their relationships are defined as the scaling factors. A new ARFs equation that reflects the spatio-temporal characteristics of actual rainfall is presented.


Year: 2018

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