Author(s): Daisuke Honma; Shinji Kioka; Takahiro Takeuchi
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: Recently, the decrease of sea ice possibly due to global warming has raised concerns about the increase of wave height in the Sea of Okhotsk during winter. When a strong low-pressure front comes to the region where sea ice along the seashore is prevalent without offshore sea ice, it is anticipated that not only major roads along the seashore suffer damage due to wave run-up itself, but also aquaculture facilities and houses suffer enormous damage due to wave run-up containing sea ice. In this study, hydraulic model tests have been conducted to understand the effects of sea ice floes on the wave damping and the wave run-up characteristics under high waves in the Sea of Okhotsk off Hokkaido, considering the typical size and thickness of sea ice in that region. A typical location of road embankment, that has suffered damage, is also considered in the model test. The wave damping rate is approximately 30% when sea ice exists under high waves. Also the damping effect in terms of wave run-up height is estimated at about60%. And this damping effect is higher than with shoreline featuring a breakwater. In addition, the height of shore ice pile-up under high waves is evaluated and this gives the fundamental data for countermeasures that control sea ice floes.
Year: 2016