Author(s): Kimio Hiranayash; Kento Ohtsuka; Hiroki Namba; Shunsuke Okada; Sangki Choi
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: The present paper studies the seasonal trends of density, biomass, and production of crane flies for 3 yr. during 2015-2017, to clarify the characteristics of Antocha sp. secondary production in relation to the summer floods in the middle reaches of the Shinano River, Japan. An exceptionally strong flood that recorded a 1.68 m peak above the daily mean water level, occurred on September 21,2016. A total of1,443 individual larvae were collected from April in 2015 to November in 2017, and before flood, 695individuals number were collected, after flood, 98 individuals were collected. The annual mean biomasses were 83.8 AFDW mg/m /year before flood and 21.0 AFDW mg/m /year after flood. We calculated the secondary production of Antocha sp. as 0.88 AFDW g/m /year before flood and 0.22 AFDW g/m /year after flood. Even in the same river, it was suggested that the value of annual secondary production was greatly different (i. e., 4 times) before and after the flood.
Year: 2018