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Fengman Reservoir Ecological Operation Based on Fish Diversity

Author(s): Yong Peng; Jinggang Chu

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Keywords: Ecological operation; Ecological water demand process; Multi-objective optimization; Reservoir ecological scheduling rules; Eco hydrological index

Abstract: The ecological environment of the basin is affected by reservoir operation, and the contradiction between social economy and ecology is more prominent along with the increase of water use. The purpose of ecological operation is to alleviate the impact of water conservancy project operation on the ecological system under the dam. However, due to the data deficiency on ecological operation field, empirical approaches could be applied mostly to provide ecology flow process, and restore the ecological environment destroyed downstream. In this paper, ecological status of reservoir and its downstream hydrological regime will be analyzed to obtain the minimum and maximum ecological flow process of natural flow as the feasible interval of ecological water demand first, and then the impact of reservoir operation on the ecological environment and the feasibility of ecological operation will be analyzed to obtain the competition and cooperation relationship between the ecological objective and other objectives by constructing the optimal operation model, finally, according to ecological water demand process for fish and relationship between different objectives, ecological regulation and its discharge could be obtained with a set of ecological operation rules through the multi-objective optimization. Therefore, the ecological operation rules of reservoir presented in this paper could meet the requirement of ecological and other water supply tasks, guarantee the social and economic development, and meanwhile improve the living environment of aquatic organisms in the basin.


Year: 2018

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