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The Ecological Importance of Watercourse Networks in Human-Altered Floodplain Systems

Author(s): Ishiyama Nobuo; Sueyoshi Masanao; Yuta Teruaki; Koizumi Itsuro; Akasaka Takumi; Nakamura Futoshi

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Floodplain wetland is one of the most vulnerable ecosystems on the planet. In a natural dynamic floodplain, hydrologic connectivity among wetlands is generally sustained by episodic floods. However, a number of wetlands have been isolated or have disappeared due to human activities such as farmland expansion and stream channelization. Thus, conservation and/or restoration planning for wetland biota is urgently needed in humanaltered floodplain systems. Although most of the dynamic connectivity (i. e., flooding) has been lost in an altered floodplain, alternative hydrologic connectivity consisting of agricultural ditches and channelized streams is widely distributed in human-altered landscapes. However, little is known about the ecological importance of the watercourse networks.


Year: 2018

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