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Using Hyperspectral Cameras on Uavs for Spatial Mapping of Vegetated Water-Ways for Integrated Water Management Strategies

Author(s): W. Ellis Penning; Rik Noorlandt-Austen; Gevan Den Eertwegh; Koen Berends; Chanjoo Lee; Rob Fraaije

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Spatially explicit information on the presence of vegetation in and along water ways was mapped using three different camera types: a standard RGB-SLR camera, a full spectrum camera (125 bands) and a multi-spectral camera (5 bands) operated on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV/drone). When stitched, images from these cameras provide information on the amount and location of vegetation along the waterways. This information can be used to define when and where vegetation management through mowing might be necessary in order to provide sufficient conveyance capacity. At the same time the images can provide information about locations with ecologically valuable vegetation. This can help selecting an efficient and ecologically friendly mowing method. We compared the performance of three cameras for use in daily management. Tests were carried out on the performance capacity of the full spectrum camera in different water depths, and with various degrees of turbidity. The obtained images from these cameras were analyzed using various indices for vegetation and compared with ground measurements on vegetation biomass and types.


Year: 2018

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