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Concentration of Some Heavy Metal in Water and in Ehydra Fluctuans Collected from Cau River at River Section from Son CAM to Cau Tra Vuon

Author(s): Vu Thi Phuong Thao

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Keywords: Cau River; Heavy metal; Ehydra fluctuans; Bio-accumulation coefficient; Plant tisue

Abstract: Water samples and Ehydra fluctuans samples were collected at 4 sites along Cau river from Son Cam to Cau Tra Vuon in dry seasons of 2016.3 heavy metal concentration inside these samples conclude Fe, Pb, Zn was analyzed. Total metal concentration is determined by the method of atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). Heavy metal concentration in water has detected with high levels of Fe, Pb, Zn at 3 sites (Hoang Van Thu; Cau Gia Bay; Cau Tra Vuon) and the overall concentration of heavy metals showed the trend: Fe> Zn> Pb. Analyzing result prove Cau river water quality in this section not satisfy standard for aquaculture by both Vietnamese goverment standard also EPA standard. This result also prove Cau River basin-in Thai Nguyen province has received large amounts of iron, lead and zinc from waste water from the mining areas (specially Pb-Zn ore mining), Thai Nguyen Iron and Steel Industrial Park, Lu Xa metallurgical area, .. . These sources of waste directly pollute Cau River, partially change the Cau river water quality. Analyzed results also indicate the correlation between iron, lead and zinc content in water and in plant tissues. The content of iron, lead and zinc in plant tissues is proportional to the iron and lead content in the river water environment. Analytical results also demonstrated that the high ability to absorb and accumulate iron and lead in roots, stems, leaves, especially in the roots of Ehydra fluctuans. This demonstrates the serious effects of heavy metal concentrations in the Cau River water for living organisms in using of Cau river water.


Year: 2018

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