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Assessment of Sustainable Drainage for Water Conservation Considering the Life-Cycle Cost

Author(s): Ratih Indri Hapsari; Rossy Rachmawati Kusuma Putri; Agus Suhardono

Linked Author(s): Ratih Indri Hapsari

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The drainage paradigm has switched from removing the stormwater quickly to the sustainable design that allows the water conservation by cost-effective solutions. In this study the evaluation of sustainable drainage system in built-up area in north-west Malang of Indonesia is presented. The drainage facilities for water conservation systems include retention pond and bio-absorption holes in addition to drainage channels. The decision is made under the criteria with respect to reduced runoff, infiltrated water, and extension of flood time concentration, that is brought to the life cycle cost of the constructions. From the analysis, it can be concluded that the proposed drainage system feasible in terms of hydrological and financial value with reduced runoff, extension of rising limb, and benefit-cost ratio of 0.322 m3/s, 16.71 minute, and 1.39 respectively.


Year: 2018

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