Author(s): John R. Marko; Martin Jasek
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: A methodology is outlined for extracting estimates of frazil particle sizes and concentrations as a function of height in the water column. It is based upon the use of SWIPS data acquired nearsimultaneously at two or more acoustic frequencies at adjacent river bottom locations. The approach is tested on data acquired during three representative, but generically different, frazil appearance intervals. These intervals included: a pre-freeze-up-supercooling event and “normal” and “anomalous” post-freeze-up conditions. Distinctions among these alternatives are made in terms of the estimated particle sizes and concentrations and their dependences upon height in the water column or, in the post-freeze-up case, on distance below the ice cover undersurface. The quality and content of the results are tentatively related to details of seasonal river processes but are, primarily, used to demonstrate current SWIPS capabilities and to identify improvements needed for fuller applications to outstanding frazil generation and transport issues.
Year: 2010