Author(s): Jung-Hyun Kim; Kyungsik Choi
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Keywords: MOERI Ice Model Basin; EG/AD model ice; Mechanical properties (flexural strength; Compressive strength and elastic modulus)
Abstract: The EG/AD/S model ice, originally developed by Timco (1986), was selected as the primary model ice material for the newly built MOERI Ice Model Basin in Korea. However the existence of sugar component in the EG/AD/S mixture may cause a serious maintenance problem as described in some references. This study focuses on the tests of mechanical properties of EG/AD/S and EG/AD model ice. In order to understand the influence of sugar in the original EG/AD/S model ice and to find a possible substitute for sugar, a series of tests with EG/AD model ice was performed and results were compared to those of EG/AD/S model ice. Relatively large size of MOERI Ice Model Basin made it difficult to control the initial strength of model ice and it takes much longer time to achieve the target strength. In order to obtain lower strength and stiffness for the model ice, the amount of chemical additives may be varied to achieve the desired strength level. This paper is a preliminary study to seek a possible substitute to original EG/AD/S model ice for utilizing in a large scale ice tank. To understand the influence of sugar in the original EG/AD/S model ice, the mechanical properties of EG/AD/S and EG/AD model ice, such as flexural strength, compressive strength and elastic modulus are tested in the laboratory condition and are compared to each other. The warm-up procedure seems to be an important factor to reduce ice strength in the tests and is discussed in detail.
Year: 2010