Author(s): Pavel A. Truskov; Igor B. Sheykin
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: The modern design requirements for the ice-resistant structures are based on extreme and abnormal est imates of ice environments. Usually to obtain reliable and appropriate physical environmental parameters, the field metocean and ice data for original natural condit ions are collected, with the analysis and interpretation into developing appropriate design situat ions and design criteria. Frequent ly, the structural properties of physical environments might change under influence of constructions. In this paper we discuss some of these events that are crit ical for the ice interact ion scenarios. As for example - the lost of iceberg stability dur ing the interaction process generates an unpred ictable crit ical situation, when the energy transformation and dissipat ion happen in the contact area. In the wide way, we recommend to extract the excitable environmental condit ions for a separate section of ISO19906\CD.
Year: 2010