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Modeling of Joint Water-Supply Scheduling with Multi-Source in Beijing Under Uncertain Conditions

Author(s): Xiaojun Dou; Hejia Wang

Linked Author(s): Hejia Wang

Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: After the Middle Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project (SNWTP) finished, a pattern of joint water-supply including SNWTP water, the surface water of Miyun reservoir and underground water has been formed in Beijing. In view of the uncertainty in water-supply scheduling, this study takes 2020 as the planning year, and the influence of uncertain factors on the system cost was fully considered by interval two stages planning method. In order to minimize the total water-supply cost, a joint water-supply scheduling model in Beijing has been established, which reflects the actual situation of the joint watersupply system with multiple sources. The results illustrate that the minimum water-supply cost of Beijing will be [14.6, 25.4] billion yuan in 2020, and the optimal water-supply of Miyun reservoir, groundwater and SNWTP water expected to be 0.54, 2.05 and 0.95 billion m ³ , respectively.


Year: 2018

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