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High Risk Flash Flood Rainstorm Area Mapping and Its Application in Jiangxi Province, China

Author(s): Hui Ding; Yifan Liao; Bingzhang Lin

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Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: The leading hydrologists around the world have been working hard to develop some kind of preventive measures to reduce the disastrous consequences of a flash flood in advance. For this purpose, a flash flood early-warning and forecasting system that can accurately and timely forecast an coming flash flood has being the research focus in this field, despite its difficulties and complexities. An ideal to specify those areas that are subject at high risk to flash flood in terms of precipitation intensity in a relatively large region is proposed in this paper. It is accomplished through the design of the High Risk Flash Flood Rainstorm Area (HRFFRA) with a certain return period for a given duration based on the application of the end-to-end Regional L-moments Approach to precipitation frequency analysis. A HRFFRA is defined as the area potentially under hitting by higher intense-precipitation for a given duration with certain return period that may cause a flash flood disaster in the area. An example to develop the HRFFRA has been demonstrated in detail in this paper through the application of the Regional L-Moments Approach to precipitation frequency analysis in Jiangxi Province, South China Mainland. The high risk areas that will be hit by an forthcoming flash flood can be visually showed by the HRFFRA, with its help, hydrologists and governments can substantially reduce the disastrous outcome of a flash flood beforehand.


Year: 2018

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