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Delineation of Groundwater Potential Zones in Hard Rock Aquifers Using Satellite Images, in Sithonia Peninsula, N. Greece

Author(s): C. Christidis

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Abstract: Hard rock aquifers are the less studied and exploitable aquifers in Greece. The Sithonia Peninsula, located in Northern Greece, in which the water demands have risen the last decades because of the increase of touristic interest of the area. The research is part of PhD thesis and is based on the data that can obtained by satellite images like Landsat 8. The results from the drilling shows that due to the intense tectonic stress of the area, the fracture zones in hard rocks, mainly of schists, phyllites, quartzites and sandstones, are located at depths that can reach up to 320 m below ground level, thus forming favourable conditions aquifers. The main tectonic lineaments that prevail in the area are NW-SE, NE-SW, E-W and N-S. Out of the four major sets of lineaments in the region, the NE-SW trending lineaments are the more productive. The usage of lineaments and fault density map can be helpful to delineate groundwater potential zones in order to make new boreholes for water supply.


Year: 2022

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