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Critical Submergence for Lateral Dual Intakes Under the Influence of Intake Protrusions- a CFD Study

Author(s): Muhammed Hashid; T. I. Eldho

Linked Author(s): Muhammed Hashid

Keywords: Critical submergence; Multiphase flow simulation; Free surface vortex; Water intakes

Abstract: The distance between the level of the intake center and the water surface level is called submergence of a water intake. If submergence is below a certain minimum level, air enters the intake through an air-entraining vortex emerging from the free surface, and that particular submergence is termed as critical submergence. The present paper discusses the effect of intake pipe protrusion on the critical submergence for lateral dual square intakes under uniform flow with the help of a multiphase CFD model. Volume of Fluid (VOF) model based multiphase modelling with SST k-omega turbulence model is used in the present study to compute the critical submergence at dual intakes. The variation in the withdrawal capacity of intakes by various intake protrusions were identified. The complexity of flow withdrawal at dual intakes with differential protrusion is effectively predicted using the present CFD model. The interface between air-water phases has been simulated with better accuracy for identifying the multiphase interface interaction during the event of an air-entraining free surface vortex formation. The significance of intake protrusion on the critical submergence for lateral dual intakes are identified numerically


Year: 2022

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