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Numerical-Experimental Comparison of the Wavefront Caused by the Rapid Opening of a Gate

Author(s): Roberto Abraham Vazquez Martinez; Jose Luis Aragon Hernandez; Marti Sanchez-Juny; Eliseo Carrizosa Elizondo

Linked Author(s): Roberto Abraham Vázquez Martínez, José Luis Aragón Hernández, Martí Sánchez-Juny

Keywords: Wavefront; Numerical modeling; Unsteady flow

Abstract: Data processing based exclusively on mathematical analysis is sometimes quite inadequate to solve problems of unsteady-flow in open channels, for that reason in this work is developed a comparative study between the results obtained both experimentally and numerically from the reproduction of a water wave front caused by the sudden opening of a gate. The experiment consisted of storing a certain volume of water within a rectangular channel in such a way that the stored water was delimited by the initial wall of the channel and a gate. While strictly it is required to analyze the movement of water in three dimensions, due to the difficulty of the calculation and bearing in mind that the experiment does not present significant modifications in the acceleration in the vertical direction, it was decided to develop a numerical modeling with two-dimensional approximation (2D). In this way, the analysis starts from some simplifying hypotheses that facilitate the calculation without significantly damaging the results obtained in the flow modeling. The numerical modeling was carried out using Iber program, where some hydraulic parameters were established, the initial and boundary conditions of the experiment and subsequently the calculation was carried out with this model, in such a way that the values of the depths and velocities for different moments of time were obtained . Finally, these values were compared with the results obtained experimentally. The importance of the generation and modeling of a flood wave is to know the depths and velocities that can occur at the sudden discharge of a volume of water, this can be of great help in propagating the hydrograph formed, if an overflowing or failure of any hydraulic infrastructure intended to store large volumes of water, such as the rupture of a board or a dam, where it is extremely important to know the danger of flooding that may occur downstream of the curtain, as well as the potential risk that can be generated on people and their material goods, in this way, flood areas and times of occurrence could be defined, in order to elaborate protection plans to mitigate the damages caused.


Year: 2022

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