Author(s): Bhavya Ravinder; Elango Lakshmanan
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Keywords: Key words: Radionuclide transport model; Uranium; Uncertainty analysis; Probability distribution
Abstract: Transport of radionuclides plays a significant role in determining the level of risk posed by a radionuclide waste repository. A three-dimensional finite-element model is interfaced with a reliability analysis to account for uncertainty in aquifer media. Hydraulic conductivity, porosity, and distribution coefficient are considered random. Sensitivity analysis was carried out for the input parameters such as hydraulic conductivity (K), distribution coefficient (Kd) and infiltration rate where major uncertainty was observed for the distribution coefficient. The model also indicated that the infiltration rate at tailings pond plays a vital role. Hence, proper care needs to be taken while designing the liners in such a way that the infiltration rate is less than 1 × 10-9 m/s. The distributions are determined in this study by applying comprehensive transformations and rigorous statistics to on-site measurements of the parameters. The developed model can be used as an effective tool to sustainably manage the aquifer. This study will be useful as it has given baseline information on groundwater quality in this region before mining and such radionuclide modeling studies assess the impact of tailings pond in groundwater.
Year: 2022