Author(s): Frederique Larrarte; Christophe Chevalier; Hugues Chollet; Franziska Schmidt; Mohamed Belmokhtar; Coraline Wintenberger
Linked Author(s): Frédérique Larrarte, Hugues Chollet
Keywords: Scour; Bridge; Open channels; Profilers; Bathymetry
Abstract: Public transport networks can be affected by erosion processes thus detecting this risk is a major challenge for sustainable development and land use planning and monitoring can be an interesting tool. The current paper reports the experience of monitoring a bridge in a sand bed river affected by incision. After remembering briefly the site identification process, the choice of the scour parameters to be monitored and the choice of the instrumentation, we present the feedback that we can do after about one year of monitoring with a discussion of the positive and negative aspects of the site, the set-up implemented to measure the scour parameters. We make a focus on the analysis of the measurements that have been done with the statistics that can be made and compare with literature data as well as data from the national French data base on water levels. Finally, we discuss the conclusion that can be obtained for structures managers.
Year: 2022