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Development of a Vulnerability and Resilience Assessment Model for the Coastal Maritime Sector Related to Activities in Inland Waters, Case Study: Panama

Author(s): Amaly Fong

Linked Author(s): Amaly Fong

Keywords: Coastal vulnerability; Coastal resilience; Risk reduction; Resilience

Abstract: The complexity and multidimensionality of vulnerability and resilience make the concepts to be explored from various fields of knowledge, if we analyze the theoretical descriptions on the subject we recognize that they have not been sufficient for the eradication and / or reduction of the negative effects caused by extreme events. Additionally, despite the fact that these terms are widely used, there are limited tools to evaluate them quantitatively, in particular, considering the scenarios of the activities that occur in inland maritime waters and the coast, this lack of valuation causes the ignorance of those who are most vulnerable and who at the same time who are excluded from the protection mechanisms. A quantitative methodology was developed to determine the level of vulnerability and resilience with an intersectional perspective that allows us to categorize the values on an appropriate scale. In this model, the basic aspects related to the ability to cope, adaptation, connectivity, thresholds and other particular conditions of this group are considered. The first thing that is required within this methodology is a conceptualization of maritime-coastal activities in inland waters, because there is vagueness in this regard and a delimitation is necessary. Likewise, the identification of threats against which vulnerability and resilience are expressed was determined as a requirement. Finally, five intervals of vulnerability are proposed: those with very low vulnerability, low vulnerability, medium vulnerability, high vulnerability and very high, this limitation allows us a better understanding of the different states in which the study sector is located. We apply the methodology developed to the complex structure of the coastal maritime sector of Panama, where we refer to the coastal maritime sector in inland waters, because it allows us a segregation of the consideration that is commonly present, of identifying the maritime sector of Panama as its merchant marine, which causes an exclusion of many other activities that are carried out in inland waters, which require a lot of attention due to their particular exposure. Regarding threats, deficiencies in historical data were overcome, which made it possible to identify threats caused by socio-natural phenomena and processes. Once the factors described above have been established, the vulnerability and resilience study highlights as critical factors the physical fragility of smaller vessels or small boats, the deficiencies in the crew's coping capacities and the lack of supportive technological tools / equipment. These results demonstrate the feasibility of quantifying vulnerability and resilience in the coastal maritime sector in inland waters of a country, furthermore they prove to be very useful when achieving an adequate scale to provide keys for future strategies and actions.


Year: 2022

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