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Electromagnetic emission during compressive failure of ice

Author(s): Alexei Tanurcov; Aleksey Marchenko

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Keywords: Sea Ice; Lake Ice; Ice Mechanics and Properties

Abstract: Electromagnetic emission recorded during experiments on compression of columnar fresh ice and sea ice is considered. Fresh ice samples were prepared from lake ice. Sea ice samples were prepared from young thin sea ice with mixed structure. The outdoor experiments were performed in Spitsbergen. Ice samples of rectangular shape with representative sizes of 5x5x2 cm were placed in original rig including revertor transforming divergent motion in compression. Two cooper electrodes were used to detect electromagnetic signals. The electrodes were connected to the oscilloscope and ground by the probes. The revertor was set in motion by hand jack. In several tests acoustic emission was recorded synchronously with electromagnetic emission to identify time synchronization of acoustic and electromagnetic signals. The tests were repeated without registration of acoustic signals to exclude the influence of piezoelectric element in the acoustic receiver on the electromagnetic signal caused by ice failure. In addition, one test on the bending of fixed-ends beam was performed with measurement of electromagnetic emission. Electromagnetic signals recorded in this test were found shorter and different shape from signals recorded in ice compression tests.


Year: 2022

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