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Wind drift and breakdown of the ice field

Author(s): Vadim Goncharov

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Keywords: Sea Ice; Ice-Structure Interaction

Abstract: Paper contents the analytical model of steady-state wind drift of separate sea ice field that gives possibility to evaluate the velocity of drift in dependence on the ice field dimensions and the velocity of wind. Moving ice field has the certain kinetic energy that should be released when collision with an unmovable obstacle. This energy is mainly spent on the brittle fracture of the part of the ice field that came into contact with the obstacle. The volume of the formed ice pieces (fragments of an ice field) can be estimated by comparison of the specific energy of sea ice destruction and the kinetic energy of the ice field. The paper presents the results of the wind drift of the ice fields modeling and estimates of possible volume of the ice pieces formed as result of its collision with an obstacle depending on the size of the ice field and wind speed. The results of simulation can be used to estimate the size of ice accumulation near stationary drilling and production platforms on the shelf of freezing seas.


Year: 2022

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