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Freshwater Macroplastic Transport Based on Global Hydrological Modelling

Author(s): Alexandra Murray; Nicola Balbarini; Gregers Helge Jorgensen; Kim Wium Olesen

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Freshwater is a main transport mechanism for macroplastic and understanding how plastic moves through the global river network is essential to addressing plastic pollution. The UNEP-DHI Centre’s macroplastic transport model based on DHI’s Global Hydrological Model simulates plastic load in 870,000 points in the world’s rivers. The mobilization of plastic is dependent on river discharge and is calculated hourly in real-time and as 9-month forecasts at a daily timestep. Calibration of such global models remains a challenge, especially given the scarcity of waste data. UNEP-DHI’s model presents opportunities for linkages with modelling work at different scales to best inform decision-makers working to tackle plastic pollution.


Year: 2022

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