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Systemic Resilience Analysis Through a Water-Energy-Food-Climate Nexus Approach

Author(s): Alexandra E. Ioannou; Chrysi S. Laspidou

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Water, energy, and food (WEF) are vital resources for human wellbeing, poverty reduction, and sustainable development. Climate change effects are proved to threaten the WEF security and vice versa. Considering these threats as disturbances to a system, resilience is understood as the system’s adaptive ability of maintaining its functionality even when the system is being affected by a disturbance. Resilience helps researchers and policymakers to comprehend how complex systems adapt and transform to withstand changes in the environment and measure a WEF system’s capability to either adapt or collapse due to climate change conditions. This research focuses on exploring the resilience of a Water-Energy-Food-Climate (WEFC) system at national level. The case study is based on the structure of a System Dynamics Model (SDM), that maps sector-specific data from major databases for the national case study of Greece. In terms of enhancing environmental security, we measured systemic resilience, using different metrics, in different cases of disturbances and ultimately indicate the most efficient policies to increase system’s elasticity.


Year: 2022

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