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Infiltration and Redistribution of Soil Water During Seasonal Freezing and Thawing Periods

Author(s): Zheng Xiuqing; Fan Guisheng; Xing Liming

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Keywords: Infiltration rate; Seasonal frozen soil; Soil water redistribution

Abstract: In this study, water infiltration characteristics and soil water redistribution during winter and spring has been discussed based on the field observation. The results showed that the permeability of the frozen soil was strongly affected by water content and groundwater depth. The features of soil freezing and thawing had an obvious effect on infiltration rate and wetted front. Infiltration rate and wetted front depth decreased as the frozen depth increased due to a large portion of water was changed into ice in soil. Water within 15-50cm frozen soils in the irrigation plots increased by 7.8mm in contrast to2.2mm in non-irrigation plots during soil freezing in later March.


Year: 2001

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