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The Life Cycle Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis for Nature Friendly River Works

Author(s): Kana Kobayashi; Masahiro Chonan

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Keywords: CO2; River planning; SEEA; I/O analysis; Value for river environment; Environmental policy

Abstract: In recent years ecological aspects in streams have been a center of public attention. Nature friendly river works, which have been done by mainly nature material since 1981, are well known to have an effect of reducing CO2. However almost nature friendly river works are more expensive than conventional river works. Namely nature friendly river works have destiny trade-off between environment and money. The necessity of the project evaluation of a public works rises. Especially, the value of the environment is remarkable. Then we should evaluate clearly the value of river environment in point of money. We proposed the LCA method. The effect of the reduction of CO2 is evaluating analyzed. The LCA evaluation of the Tama River Basin was concretely done by the input-output analysis of inter-industry relationships. The input-output analysis was pursued from money the effect to all industries which the reduction of CO2 brought respect. We proposed the cost-benefit analysis to put the benefit of the river environment together in the effect of the stock of river works in the past investigation. The System for Integrated Environmental Economic Accounting was made based on the I/O table which was in existence. The effect of flow was calculated by applying this to actual river works for environmental improvement.


Year: 2001

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